Layers of fear weegie board
Layers of fear weegie board

layers of fear weegie board

This set of circumstances serves as an attractor for those spirits who wish to exploit the ignorance of the user for their own gain. This unfortunately leads to its use almost exclusively by those without knowledge or discrimination who are taught by our culture that it need not be taken seriously. This results in a widespread belief it is a harmless form of ‘entertainment’. The acculturation of the Quija board as a toy and game arose due to both the widespread interest in ‘spiritism’ of the late eighteenth and early twentieth centuries in western culture and its almost simultaneous rejection as superstition by the dominating influence of materialism, due both to the latters’ growing account of practical results and the exploitation in the belief in ‘spiritism’ by profiteering charlatans. As with the other ‘tools’ it’s best left for the experts who’ve done the work and study (and that includes an understanding and knowledge of one’s self), and that means it should not be used for fun and entertainment. If I had my way, they would not be sold in toy or department stores either. I have had many people since then ask me about Ouija boards, and my advice is always to stay away from them. It stayed buried in my closet for many years before I finally got rid of it. Since I was already pretty connected (without any tools) I realized right away this was a recipe for disaster, so I shut it down and never used it again. It did work, but when I used it for about the 3rd or 4th time, something came through that began calling us names and acting abusive.

layers of fear weegie board

I was given a Ouija board when I was about 13 years old. Harley, your take that the Quija is like a random phone call is spot on, and not unlike a box of chocolates, you may not know what you’re going to get if you go into it with the wrong intentions or an immature mind. Besides being sold as a board game, it often ends up in the hands of children and adolescents, and that is where it can become dangerous. The Ouija is really no different than any other ‘device’ used as a divination tool ( Tarot, crystal ball, etc.) The main problem with the Quija board is that for years it has been sold as a board ‘game’, rather than sold for what it really is.

layers of fear weegie board

Voices in the white noise… it does happen, probably entities drawn to some energy.

#Layers of fear weegie board Pc

One more… not to poo poo AJ’s experience(EVPs and all-voices in the energy current) but there have been times that my pc speakers would pick up a radio station signal. You can get all manner of folk coming in. My opinion was always that the board was more like a random phone call into the world to any pay phone. I remember talking to the board user on the phone to describe the little girls dress. She eased up thru the floor creepy as could be. It was like the scene out of the Changeling with George c Scott. I was on the 2nd floor and she called me to say the little girl was coming up to see me. I met some interesting folk, saw some interesting folk.Ī girl was using it at work (mid 90s) and was conversing with a little girl. it is my opinion(means it isnt necessarily true for anyone else) what ever came through, used the energy of the people touching the indicator. I did a little Ouija some MANY years ago(mid 80s).

Layers of fear weegie board